Call for papers / Instructions

Instructions for the conference

The authors are cordially invited to present their research at the conference Učitel (Teacher) - Výuka (Teaching) - Inovace (Innovation), which will take place at the Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava on 23 March 2024.


Important dates and deadlines:

1 February 2024 - registration for academics, Ph.D. students and other guests

10 March 2024 - deadline for submission of papers published in e-proceedings

13 March 2024 - notification of acceptance of paper / abstract / workshop proposal

18 March 2024 - registration closes

23 March 2024 - start of conference Učitel-Výuka-Inovace

Conference fee:

Meeting languages:

Forms of participation:

Contribution types:

Participants can choose between an oral presentation (20 minutes, including time for questions), a poster presentation (the poster will be handed over to the organizers at registration and subsequently posted throughout the conference) and a workshop (45 minutes, or by appointment).

Full papers - These contain mainly research results and are no more than 10 pages long, including references used. Papers will be presented orally at the conference and each presentation will last no more than 20 minutes, including time for questions from the audience.

Short papers - Contain mainly information about ongoing research or a pilot study and are a maximum of 4 pages, including references used. Papers will be presented orally at the conference and each presentation will last no more than 15 minutes, including time for questions from the audience.

Posters - Contain information about the implementation or work in progress of the research and are a maximum of 2 pages, including references used. The poster will be handed in to the organisers upon registration on site, posted in the poster session and then presented by the authors throughout the conference. The poster session will allow authors to discuss their work in more detail with individuals and small groups. Poster size can be a maximum of A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) in height. Text and illustrations should be legible from a distance of two metres.

Workshops - They contain information about the implementation or work in progress of the research and are no more than 2 pages long, including the literature used. Contributions as output in the electronic proceedings are voluntary. Send us a draft of your workshop annotation via the registration form. Each workshop lasts a maximum of 45 minutes. If this time limit is insufficient for you, we can increase it by prior arrangement, but you must inform us via the registration form when submitting your workshop proposal.

Electronic submissions:

Electronic submission:Please submit your papers, workshop proposals and posters electronically using the special form available below. Papers will be included in the conference proceedings with ISBN. Please use the available template for papers and submit them in .docx format. You must register for the conference in advance. Use the special form to register. If you do not have a Google account to submit your entry using the form below, please send it to:

How to quote properly?

When writing a professional text (seminar paper, bachelor's or master's thesis, journal article, conference paper, ...) you must follow certain principles and practices set by the university, faculty, publisher, etc. This includes the formal arrangement and structure of the text itself, the provision of figures, indexes, and a list of cited and used literature on the topic.

In the Czech environment, the most well-known and most used citation standard is ČSN ISO 690:2022. The validity of the new standard is from December 2022. For citation, we recommend using the professional application, which makes citation easier, or citation pulls. Read: